Peste un an, în 1797, Aita Mare (Nagy Aita), figurează într-un tablou cu bisericile ortodoxe româneşti din Protopopiatul Haromsecului. Preot paroh al acestei biserici era, în 1807, Popa Nicolae-Popovici cel Bătrân. În acelaşi an, ...
The market was in a tiny village called Nagyaita (Aita Mare in Romania...Big Aita in English) in my very own Covasna County. I was blessed with a front seat maxi taxi ride both on the way there and on the snowy trip back. ...
the market was in a tiny village called bnagyaita/b (aita mare in romania...big aita in english) in my very own covasna county. i was blessed with a front seat maxi taxi ride both on the way there and on the snowy trip back. ...